A bad excuse is better than none!
And I guess I have have done exactly that.Given a terrible excuse and been away for a year!!
Yes, my computer had broken down. But obviously not for this long. I have done a hell lot of things since I last posted here. I have done my photography course (Yes, I am a professional photographer now.) He comenzado mi curso de español (Oh! Yea babeh! I have started my Spanish course). Pero no he terminado (But haven't completed it) :(
On November 18th, 2007, Cupid finally struck his arrow on me! And how!
No more single eh!?!
And since that day my world has taken 1324204823940293 degree turn (Hah! Those were random numbers I just typed and guess what? they total up to form the number "9" which is lucky for me. I know you might say its so silly and just is mere coincidence, but I love to believe in it). A lot of other things have changed. Especially relationships. My relationship with my mom has changed a lot infact it has become stronger!!! I am finally doing my bachelors in Mass Media. Completed my first semester (Waiting for results!). And yes......also celebrated my 1 year Anniversary on this 18th November. *Blushes*
*Sorry was on a phone call* (Yes, it was "M")
The whole year has been one ride for me. The radical changes that have taken place in my life, lot of people and things related to me, have been remarkable. I had never imagined some things and they have come alive in front of my own eyes and that too in ways beyond belief. 2007-2008 truly would be the most memorable years of my life.
*Tring Tring Tring TRINGGGGGGGG*That's the sound currently in the background. My mom has got a new phone. Its a funky phone where you can have both your GSM and CDMA SIM cards in one phone itself. It means no hassles of managing 2 separate phones.She is trying some game on it.I mean come on whats the need to keep the game sounds on?.
Listening to "Let go"by Imogen Heap. Shopped a bit today with mom. Got a new bag for me and a new pair of slippers.Got some gifts for "M". *Blushes*.
Ahh new sound!! I guess she completed level 1. Anyways getting late. Got college early tomorrow....at 9.15 A.M. Yes!, that's early for me!
So Nighty Nighty~!
(I wanted to write a poem but mom is calling me and it is really getting late.....So I guess its for next time................WHICH I PROMISE IS SOON!)
*Hopes "M" is reading it*