So "Hi" there everyone......."Hi" to all who read(Few I assume) And "Hi" to all who are happily oblivious to the existence of my buh-log!!!
I am updating the blog only and only on a request of a particular friend.......who claims to have "Enjoyed" reading the blog.......Now seriously.....Come on!!! People can enjoy my blog...Its not that bad!
The reason for not being a regular blogger is probably lack of motivation to update it.....And the sole reason I figure for lack of motivation is lack of readers.....I guess if there is enough of fan/critic following for the blog then it will be reason enough to be up with at least a post per day. But since I have been "ASKED" to be regular......I will "TRY" to update it regularly.
So lets see........where are we?........It like the first week of May.....Taurean month with plenty of thick headed birthdays lined up for the next 15 days.....It hot as hell here, I have wasted the entire vacation at home.......Reading, Sleeping and DOtA-ing on my PC......
Oh did I mention Eating?
I have not really been eating I guess.....My weight is dropping like never before and I might seem anorexic soon. NO I ain't one of those skinny ass models!!!
Vacations started with me being all gung-ho about "Utilising" the vacation in the best was possible be taking up a job gymming and all other things I am least upbeat to do at the moment.
It has been quite similar from the college days except the waking up early!!!
(Psst! I wake up at 2.30P.M. in the afternoon)
And there is nothing I have done that is concrete!!!.......Español Corsa doesn't really appeal to me to be continued.......I know I deserve a bullet in the ass for that......
But, I am happy that I have read around 7 to 8 books during this time and I am still continuing.
My results were out last week. I have passed and successfully been promoted to the next year. Getting my results was perfect pain in the ass. The god forsaken college and faculty somehow conspired a perfect plan to delay MY result. Which in the end resulted in me doing rounds of the college everyday finding nothing besides the sorching sun making my "Fair & Lovely-ed" skin dark!!!
I finally got the mark-sheet. The admission process to the second-year werent that much of a headache. Just a couple of days in seemingly never-ending queues.
Oh! I forgot to mention I also saw the supposedly-latest Russel Peters show on DVD.....Named Red, White & Brown.
And recently from a past few days I am being a bitch, with this pianist ghost in me. I am all over the place downloading Rachmanninoff and Chopin etc etc etc.........
Oh-yes!! I had a haircut around 2 to 3 weeks ago....It quite cute......I had to cut my tresses because mom was screaming all around the house about the knots. I have them small now :D
I'll post some new pictures of me and some other things happening in my life.
God I almost forgot to tell you.......I celebrated my birthday too in these vacations.......Which was part fun and part okay.........The "Part-fun" was the surprise by Mom and M......We cut the cake in the morning , can you imagine? They gifted me small small greetings, a rose and a lovely Glass ball which is musical and has two cute bears in it.....I'll post some pictures soon........Also a picture of me with the short hair.........
Umm.....Latest song recommendations would be ummm.......I guess 3 or 4
1) Andante gracioso--- by Chopin (Piano played just correctly)
2) Mozart - Maria Callas - The Magic Flute - Queen Of The Night Aria (Opera range which kicks ass)
3) To the moon and back----Savage Garden (Superb Song!!! Will surely move you)
4) Japanese Boy---Aneka (A nice 80's number which has a very Ling-Ling sound to it)
5) Self Control---Laura Branigan (A highly popular 80's retro number)
Gawd! I almost forgot to tell you........2,yes 2 or my gold fishes have passed away.......
Liam and Erika Jr. ~Rest In Peace~
See you until next time..............Comments welcome........Appreciation further welcome....and criticism.......hmm........well thats welcome too!!!